Testicular Surgery | What Should You Know About It


Testicular Surgery | What Should You Know About It Testicular surgery is indicated for a number of ailments. This include correction of congenital or anatomical deformities as well as excision/ removal of diseased tissue. Some common indications of testicular surgery are (1): Undescended testes: Testicles are developed in the abdominal cavity during fetal life and [...]

Testicular Surgery | What Should You Know About It2016-07-21T14:47:37-07:00

Size Does Matter When It Comes To Fertility


Size Does Matter When It Comes To Fertility Around the globe, men are obsessed with the size of their penis, since there is a common perception that bigger size is indicative of higher fertility and masculinity. But investigators and healthcare providers have always stressed on the fact that penis size is not the absolute measure [...]

Size Does Matter When It Comes To Fertility2018-05-07T13:07:15-07:00

Testosterone Levels By Age


Testosterone Levels By Age Testosterone levels tend to fluctuate with advancing age and it is totally physiological. The decline in testosterone secretion with aging is mainly due to negative changes in metabolism and lower requirement of this vital hormone. However, in some individuals, an existing disease process or pathology may lead to abrupt deterioration in [...]

Testosterone Levels By Age2016-07-06T16:20:06-07:00

Testosterone Nasal Gel – What Should You Know About It?


Testosterone Nasal Gel – What Should You Know About It? The synthetic formulations of testosterone can be delivered via a number of mechanisms; one of which is intranasal route and use of nasal gel. The ideal candidates for testosterone gel are; hypogonadal men with sub-normal levels of testosterone who are also experiencing symptoms such as [...]

Testosterone Nasal Gel – What Should You Know About It?2016-07-05T16:56:34-07:00

Why Fathers Have Lower Levels Of Testosterone


Why Fathers Have Lower Levels Of Testosterone This sounds weird, isn’t it? Because according to popular notion, men with higher testosterone are more likely to successfully impregnate their partners as they have superior quality sperms. However, as per the results of a new study reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1), [...]

Why Fathers Have Lower Levels Of Testosterone2016-06-27T16:55:10-07:00

What Is Premature Ejaculation?


What Is Premature Ejaculation? Premature ejaculation, is a fairly common sexual health problem in which men ejaculates too soon during the act of sexual intercourse (1). Although, actual statistics are not known, but it is believed that approximately 1 of 3 men suffers from premature ejaculation. According to another study reported in the European Urology [...]

What Is Premature Ejaculation?2016-05-31T10:04:59-07:00

Scrotal Lumps And Testicular Lesions


Scrotal Lumps And Testicular Lesions Having scrotal lumps does not necessarily mean that it is due to a cancer or malignant process. Sometimes, scrotal lump are due to benign lesions such as fluid filled cysts, called hydroceles or disorders of venous plexuses (also known as varicocele).The scrotal lumps are quite common in men, especially in [...]

Scrotal Lumps And Testicular Lesions2016-05-22T18:31:37-07:00

Testosterone Therapy Possibly Increases Insulin Sensitivity


Testosterone Therapy Possibly Increases Insulin Sensitivity Low testosterone levels in men are linked with insulin resistance or reduced insulin sensitivity. What does this mean? Men with type 2 diabetes are two times as likely to have low testosterone levels than men without diabetes. The two conditions are correlated, but this does not mean that low [...]

Testosterone Therapy Possibly Increases Insulin Sensitivity2016-01-15T14:18:44-08:00

Amphetamine Use & Erectile Dysfunction


Amphetamine Use & Erectile Dysfunction Amphetamines are stimulant drugs and include methamphetamine, MDMA (ecstasy or Molly), and Adderall. These drugs can treat ADHD and Narcolepsy but many people become addicted and abuse amphetamines. Abuse can lead to appetite suppression, palpitations, and a feeling of euphoria. Because amphetamines affect the central nervous system and the brain, [...]

Amphetamine Use & Erectile Dysfunction2016-01-11T10:56:55-08:00