Undescended Testicles Treatment Options


Undescended Testicles Treatment Options If your child was born with undescended testicles and they haven’t dropped by the time he is 3-6 months, you should talk with your pediatrician to discuss treatment options as soon as possible. Usually surgery is recommended and surgery should be performed before the child turns one year old. The goal [...]

Undescended Testicles Treatment Options2015-12-21T12:39:20-08:00

What are Undescended Testicles?


What are Undescended Testicles? Testicles are organs that hang in a sac below the penis (the scrotum). Sperm and testosterone are made in the testicles, where they are kept at a cooler temperature than the rest of the body. As a boy grows inside a mother’s womb, his testicles form inside his abdomen and descend [...]

What are Undescended Testicles?2015-12-17T15:04:50-08:00

Male hypogonadism


Male hypogonadism Male hypogonadism is a disorder that is characterized by deficiency of testosterone activity in the body. The primary hypogonadism is usually due to the deficiency of testosterone or due to desensitization of hormones at the level of receptors. Depending on the type of hypogonadism and age at onset, patients may experience a variety [...]

Male hypogonadism2015-12-07T10:21:04-08:00

Penile Injuries


Penile Injuries Penis is the most important male genital organ that serves several important functions such as urination, copulation and reproduction. Any injury, damage or trauma to the penis can significant compromise the normal quality of life and may aggravate the risk of complications in the long term. Common Penile Injuries Penile injuries are fairly [...]

Penile Injuries2015-12-07T10:20:57-08:00

Viral hepatitis


Viral hepatitis Hepatitis is swelling of the liver, which may be due to a fungal, bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection. It may be caused by heavy alcohol or drug use, bacterial or viral infections, toxins, and certain drugs. The infection may begin as acute and become chronic over a period of time, especially if left [...]

Viral hepatitis2015-10-23T12:41:00-07:00

Many Cancer Patients Unaware of Ways to Preserve Fertility


Many Cancer Patients Unaware of Ways to Preserve Fertility Fertility problems are common in young cancer patients. But research reveals that there are options to preserve fertility in patients who plan to undergo chemotherapy and related cancer treatments.  Unfortunately, many such patients are unaware of cancer fertility preservation options and thus suffer from infertility. This [...]

Many Cancer Patients Unaware of Ways to Preserve Fertility2015-09-23T14:36:01-07:00

Premature Ejaculation Linked to Chlamydia in Prostatitis Patients


Premature Ejaculation Linked to Chlamydia in Prostatitis Patients Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a man experiences quick ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before or shortly after penetration. It is one of the most common medical conditions affecting men. In some men, rapid ejaculation has been linked to chlamydia prostatitis, which is a kind [...]

Premature Ejaculation Linked to Chlamydia in Prostatitis Patients2015-09-23T14:48:23-07:00

Prognosis of Prostate Cancer


Prognosis of Prostate Cancer Prostate malignancy is the second most frequently reported malignancy in adult males (preceded only by skin cancer) within the United States. However, due to slow growth and even slower rate of metastasis, the cancer of prostate gland is generally not lethal. For example, statistics indicate that about 2/3rd of very elderly [...]

Prognosis of Prostate Cancer2015-09-14T15:58:22-07:00

Screening of Prostate Cancer – Part 2


Screening of Prostate Cancer  According to the statistics recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1), prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy in males that affects 14% of the male population at some point in their life. It has been observed that approximately 6 of every 10 males who are diagnosed [...]

Screening of Prostate Cancer – Part 22015-09-15T09:27:08-07:00