Common Cancers in Men

Common Cancers in Men

Cancer refers to riotous growth of abnormal cells in the body. It develops when normal control mechanisms in the body are not working properly due to which old cells or abnormal cells starts to grow uncontrollably rather than dying. These excess cells develop a tissue mass which is known as tumor.

Men and women are different physically, biologically, genetically and in terms of hormonal composition. That’s why some types of cancers are more common in women but others are more common in men. According to the latest survey conducted by American Cancer Society, the most common and deadly cancers in males are prostate cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer.

  1. Lung Cancer:

The most common cancer in terms of frequency and occurrence in males is lung cancer. According to latest statistics, it affects almost 81 out of every 100,000 men. According to a survey the fatality or mortality rate of lung cancer is highest among men. A recent survey indicates that in 2007 almost 88,000 fatalities in men were due to lung cancer

Lung cancer develops when abnormal cell starts growing uncontrollably in one or both lungs; most commonly at or around the air passages. Some risk factors that may aggravate the risk of developing this malignancy are; history of smoking; both active and passive, family history, exposure to radiations and other harmful chemicals.

Key Symptoms:

In early stages, lung cancer may not show any troubling symptoms. However, as cancer mass grows, affected individuals may develop symptoms such as:

  • Coughing
  • Changes in mucus production
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain in chest
  • Breathing irregularities
  • Blood with mucus


Diagnosis is usually done through chest X rays, CAT scans and biopsy.


The treatment options depend largely on the stage of cancer and extent of spread. If tumor is localized, then surgery is the most preferred choice; however, if cancer is spread to other parts of the body then chemotherapy and radiotherapy are usually needed.

  1. Prostate Cancer:

Prostate is the most significant male reproductive organ that is located just below the urinary bladder. It helps in the production of semen to transfer sperms into the female genital tract after ejaculation.

The prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in males. Latest data indicates that each year 170,000 men are diagnosed with this disease, claiming 30,000 lives each year. With advancing disease, the risk of developing prostate cancer also increases.


  • Blood in urine
  • Leakage of urine
  • Difficulty in passing urine
  • Bone pain


The physical examination and PSA test (prostate specific antigens) are advised to diagnose prostate cancer.


If detected in early stages, surgical removal of gland is recommended however, in advanced stages chemotherapy, hormone therapies and radiation therapies are required.

  1. Colorectal Cancer:

Colorectal cancer is third most frequently reported malignancy in males after lung and prostate cancer. According to an estimate almost 103,170 males are diagnosed with colorectal cancer and 40,290 die per year. It is also the 3rd leading cause of cancer deaths in males.

Colorectal Cancer is also known as colon cancer and bowel cancer and involves abnormal growth of cancer cells in colon or rectum.


  • Alteration in the bowel habit
  • Pain in belly
  • Weakness
  • Rectal pain and bleeding
  • Weight loss


It can be detected via test known as colonoscopy. In this process a camera is inserted into the large intestine through a tube. The polyps which can turn into cancer can also be removed during this procedure.


If diagnosed early, colonoscopy can be used as a diagnostic as well as treatment procedure for colorectal cancer however if diagnosed in later stages then radiations and chemotherapy are required to treat cancer. The affected area of bowel is also removed surgically in advanced disease.

It is highly recommended to keep up with periodic medical examinations to detect malignant and organic lesions in early stages.

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