Vasectomy Surgery Guide

Vasectomy Surgery Guide

Vasectomy (or male sterilization) is a minimally invasive surgical technique that involves severance of vas deferens to cut off the delivery of sperms into the male ejaculate during the act of sexual intercourse. Although female sterilization i.e. tubal ligation is a more popular procedure, yet more and more couples are now considering male sterilization as it is a much safer and cost-effective procedure with quick recovery and efficient results. With that in mind, we’re presenting you a vasectomy surgery guide.

Details of Vasectomy Procedure:

Vasectomy procedure involves an application of a local anesthetic as the procedure is usually performed as an outpatient department. Prior to the procedure, your healthcare practitioner shaves and disinfect the genital region. Once the surgical site is clean, your doctor will administer an incision to access vas deferens – the tube that transfers the sperms from testicles to the penile region. Once the duct is severed, the surgical site is stitched back and optimal antiseptic measures are employed to minimize the risk of complications.

Quick Post Procedure Recovery:

Vasectomy is associated with fast recovery. Most men experience mild bruising or soreness in the inguinal region that resolves spontaneously; however, your doctor will prescribe an over the counter painkiller to resolve post-procedure complaints. Here are some additional tips to fasten the recovery after the vasectomy procedure:

  • Avoid wearing loose underwear or boxers soon after the procedure. If you wear a comfortably snug underwear to keep your scrotal region minimally mobile, chances of experiencing pain or developing swelling decreases.
  • If you develop swelling or discomfort, use cold compresses to lessen swelling and resulting pain
  • Avoid direct application of ice on the affected area as direct exposure to ice may impede healing and may lead to more pain.
  • Use of supportive braces to elevate scrotal sac can also reduce swelling and inflammation; thereby reducing pain and discomfort

It is noteworthy that vasectomy procedure does not render you infertile immediately after the procedure. Generally, 6 to 8 weeks after the procedure, your healthcare practitioner will advise a laboratory evaluation to confirm that your semen ejaculate does not contain any viable sperms.

Vasectomy Complications:

Vasectomy procedure is associated with following adverse effects:

  • Risk of excessive bleeding
  • Formation of hematoma at the site of surgery
  • Inflammation of epididymis (characterized by painful swelling of testicles) – in most cases, warm compresses can help in resolving the symptoms
  • Spermatic granuloma – abscess formation at the site of surgery is also a rare complication of vasectomy procedure and is characterized by sperm leakage from vas deferens
  • Sexual dysfunction; although uncommon, some males may experience transient or chronic difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection
  • Resurgery or repeat procedure is needed in some patients who show no evidence of a decline in sperm count after the initial surgery
  • Transient pain is also experienced by some individuals but in most cases, the pain doesn’t last long and responds very well to over-the-counter analgesics

Long-term expectations after Vasectomy procedure:

Vasectomy is a safe procedure that greatly reduces the risk of unintended pregnancies without interfering with sexual functions (such as libido, erection and ejaculatory function). But you should know that vasectomy is a permanent or irreversible procedure. Although, you can opt for vasectomy reversal but chances are low that reversal will restore your fertility.

In addition, please keep in mind that vasectomy prevent unwanted pregnancies, but the procedure itself offers no protection against sexually transmitted infections. So, if you are engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse, make sure you are using protection.

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